
Community land trusts

Community Land Trusts are important tools in creating permanently affordable housing for people with limited means. This anti-speculative real estate development model dates back to the 50s. Community Land Trust Brussels plays an important role in reducing the role of… Read More »Community land trusts


Ortaklasa: Platform for commons Ortaklaşa focuses on the urban commons in Turkey. Just for some background information: the use of urban space took on significance during the Gezi protests back in 2013, giving citizens hope about urban alternatives and new… Read More »Ortaklasa

Funding the cooperative city

Stories and models of community finance and civic economy. “Funding the Cooperative City” is the result of the arduous research conducted by Daniela Patti and Levente Polyak on models of community finance and civic economy. Packing numerous stories and examples,… Read More »Funding the cooperative city
Funding the Cooperative City

Alt und Jung-Tischler Handgedacht Basic info: Located in 8th district of Josefstadt on the Hernalser Gürtel, the company was established by Martin Aigner, Moritz Schaufler and Benjamin Sodemann. Website: It’s noisy along the Gürtel. The grinding of metal tram wheels against… Read More »Alt und Jung-Tischler

Our community of creators

The Begegungsorte Core team   Bahanur Nasya is an architect, researcher and film producer.  She is currently involved in a research project for a documentary focusing on coastal development along the Mediterranean, paying special attention to the relationship between environmental and social… Read More »Our community of creators

Ein Kein-Konsum-Platz im Markt Basic info: Located in 16th district of Ottakring on Brunnengasse, also the site of the famous Brunnenmarkt, the Offenner Bücherschrank is project initiated by Verein „offene Bücherschränke“ Website: The Brunnenmarkt is a vibrant and active open-air market offering… Read More »Ein Kein-Konsum-Platz im Markt

Ameisen-Starke Kooperation

A long and spacious street extends from the Gürtel towards Dornbach on the Vienna Periphery. The Hernalser Strasse, as active as it seems to be with the influx of pedestrians, traffic and public transportation options, is infested with numerous empty… Read More »Ameisen-Starke Kooperation

What is a Social Place?

Introduction A social place allows people to be, allows people to meet, allows people to encounter, allows people to gather, allows people to build trust, allows people to be proud of, allows people to be creative, allows people to use… Read More »What is a Social Place?