Über uns

We are researchers, storytellers, artists and architects who feel spaces and their use are of monumental importance. How we designate their purpose and relate to them, are what creates our stories, cultures and identities. Our childhood memories are filled with utilizing spaces for different purposes, and it was our relationship to these spaces that helped shape us and our identities. Why should being full-grown adults change how we identify with and use our urban spaces? The structure, use and purpose of our spaces can help assist in creating solidarity, community, and most importantly: identity and purpose.


And so: we’re on a quest. A quest to discover, understand and narrate the stories of our spaces. Our first canvas is Vienna, but our project aims to focus on public and private spaces throughout urban areas, anywhere in the world. In the end, regardless of where you are, what culture you come from or which language you speak: you still meet fellow citizens on the street, frequent similar cafes, restaurants, parks, squares or sidewalks; you still exchange and create or voice your concerns in public spaces.

In a time when spaces are being occupied for private uses and less spaces are available for common use, we believe the narration of their stories, and the stories of the people that create meaning in them, is of the utmost importance.

We’ve traveled a lot, and still do.  We’ve lived on numerous continents and cities, frequented different places, districts, cities, countries, continents. But we do not remember all places. Some places have already departed from our memories, leaving space for the more impressionable, memorable, authentic places. It could be a smell, the light, but mostly it’s the people who make places special for us. We can feel relaxed, at home, inspired, calm, empowered, huge, included, surprised, touched, loved, valuable, entitled, lifted, enlightened, …

The design can help places to be recognized. But the people creating the communities will deepen our emotions towards the place. Deer places are kept alive and have an outstanding identity. With the district book series, we are revealing the makers of such places.


Discover with us.

And feel free to replicate in your communities!

Our community of creators


The Begegungsorte Core team


Bahanur Nasya is an architect, researcher and film producer.  She is currently involved in a research project for a documentary focusing on coastal development along the Mediterranean, paying special attention to the relationship between environmental and social impacts. She is co-author of “Represent & Reflect” as part of the Wonderland series and has contributed to the publication “Manual for Emerging Architects.” She is one of the co-founders of the begegungsorte magazine, the Chairwoman of xsentrikarts and Head of Organization for Wonderland – platform for European architecture.

Yilmaz Vurucu is an award winning Canadian filmmaker based in Vienna with an extensive experience in television, films and documentaries. You can view his work here, in which he tackles the theme of sustainable urban development with “The Sea in Me”, social inclusion with “Borders,” social disparity in “Dr. Zack” and mental disorder in “Sweet Candy.” He’s currently working on a documentary on sustainable tourism, a film on the relationship between artificial intelligence and consciousness, and numerous interviews and expose’s for Begegungsorte.



Ula Schneider

Ernst Gruber

Roland Gruber

Team of contributors

Mario Kainer is an Austrian, producer and director at Jinx Pictures and filmmaker at
XsentrikArts. He wrote “Blutrote Ahornblätter” in 2009, a collection of short stories. His first film was “Tobias,” a 40-minute drama. He worked on
“Hemaleman vs. Evil” while graduating from the BFI Innsbruck in 2012. Since moving to Vienna, he’s had a close relationship with filmmaker Yilmaz Vurucu, and they’ve developed numerous films together, including Sweet Candy and Daddy’s Arbitrage. Mario contributes to Begegungsorte with articles and video expose’s.

Our community of creators

The Begegungsorte Core team   Bahanur Nasya is an architect, researcher and film producer.  She is currently involved in a research project for a documentary focusing on coastal development along the…

Hello world!

Herzlich willkommen auf unserer Seite. Begegnungsorte ist ein Projekt von Xsentrikarts. Wir portraitieren hier jene Alltagshelden, die unscheinbare aber wichtige Aufgaben für unsere Gesellschaft leisten. Die Taten verleihen herkömmlichen Orten Identität. Willst…
Was wir machen

Wir sind eine interdisziplinäre Kunstplatform

Wir sind eine kunterbunte Gemeinschaft von Kunst- und Kulturschaffenden, welche frei und auf Projektbasis gemeinnützige Projekte realisieren. 

Die Begegnungsorte werden von dieser losen Gemeinschaft kuratiert. Die Kurz-Dokus werden vom Duo – Bahanur und Yilmaz – produziert. 

Wer wir sind


Bahanur Nasya ist Architektin und Filmproduzentin. 

Yilmaz Vurucu ist Filmemacher und Community-Detector.

Ula Schneider ist Künstlerin und Kuratorin.

Ernst Gruber ist Architekt und Community-Housing-Experte.

Roland Gruber ist Architekt und Orte-Stark-Macher.



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Was wir gemeinsam tuen können

Sie können diese inspirierenden Begegner in ihre Konferenz, in ihr Event, in Ihre Workshops, in Ihre Besprechungen, in Ihre Lesungen einladen und die Effekte starker Communities auf ihre Veranstaltung wirken lassen.